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Welcome from me!


As you probably know, I was appointed as Communication Officer for the forthcoming term at the last AGM. That will obviously teach me for sending out short weekly updates.

As I see it there are two aspects to the role. Firstly to get TTC's name known as widely as possible so that it encourages more people into the sport. Secondly it's to keep our existing members up to date and inspire them to greater things.

I have already had some kind offers of help with external communications from a number of committee members with a range of contacts in the local media etc. but the more the merrier.

Where I would like members' help is with letting me know what you have been up so that I can continue to write regular weekly updates. While we are a triathlon club, I'm quite happy to include other sporting deeds and achievements particularly during the off season. So whatever you are up to, feel free to drop me a line. A picture or two would be great too!

Hopefully the first weekly update will appear shortly. Until then - shouldn't you be training?

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