A Frantic Fortnight
It seems I go away for a week and it all happens!

There is only one place we can start this round up and that's with Owen who has managed to go from the Try a Tri course in 2015 to Ironman in 2017! He completed Ironman Lanzarote in 11:54 This is a fantastic achievement at what is recognised as one of the toughest Ironman courses. Well done Owen!

Paul's efforts saw a great turn out at Evesham's Phoenix Tri with an impressive twenty two Club members finishing. The list was led by Nick 'The Sprint' Slim who was nearly two minutes in front of second placed Richard. For a number of members it was their first competitive open water swim following a chilly introductory course at Croft Farm so well done them! The feedback suggests everyone had a great day out. A full list of TTC finishers is below courtesy of Stuweb results:

Gavin completed the Worcester Standard Triathlon getting in just below the 3:30 mark.
Jason posted a time of 1:28:52 at the recent Banbury Sprint Tri. He was pretty chuffed with this as he took almost 4 minutes off his time for the same event last year.

I got a bird's eye view of the Gloucester Sprint Tri as I was shadowing the race referee. Once again Nick took the honours (and almost the transition area as he left on the run) with his traditional two minute advantage over the next competitor. There were some tired bodies on show as a number of members had only got back from the slopes of Malaga the day before.

Results below courtesy of Rogueracer:
On the running front, PJ clocked a decent 1:53 in the Worcester half marathon, Teresa completed the Quest 40 mile Ultra in North Cornwall (or as she described it 40 miles of steps) in 12:48 and Phil the Exeter marathon in 5:08.

As far as I know, that's everything but if you know otherwise, let me know. Similarly, if you've got an event coming up, let me know that too and I can keep an eye out for the results. You could even write up your experiences if you are keen - a couple of lines will do!